Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tune in Tuesdays

Today is my first weekday back in the lazy-stay-at-home-mom schedule. That means Emily has officially started Kindergarten (her first day is today), and it's just me and Bean again. I know she'll miss Emily in a few days, but I'm excited to get back to spending one on one time with my girl. Snuggling while watching Word World in the morning and eating afternoon snack in my bed after her nap. Things that she didn't want to do when Em was here. Also, the house will be SO much quieter with only Bean here - two kids ratchet up the volume by about 5x!

To break the one-kid-silence I think we'll have a dance party. Just me and her. And our dog, Roxanne - she loves to dance on her back legs with us. My fave song to dance to, when Jeff isn't here, is "Send Me On My Way" by Rusted Root. Jeff makes fun of me SO HARD for loving this song, but I love this song so so so much. How can you not dance to this song? How can you not smile when this song comes on? Not that it comes on the radio anymore - it's an old hippie song - but I love it and since it's on my Spotify playlist I get to hear it quite often. :-D

Crank up the volume on your speakers and dance. It's a short week thanks to Labor Day, if nothing else THAT is reason enough to be smile, get up and dance!

If you listened to it, and cranked it like I told you to, you're totally happier now. That song boosts my mood every time I hear it! 

Nic + Bean

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

On my way... On my way... On my way... On my way...
On my way... On my way... On my way...
:D Well, I'm smiling.